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Електронен регистър

ISO Certificates Register IAF Certsearch to Become Mandatory

A new Mandatory document of the International Accreditation Forum states that both accreditation and certification bodies must start reporting the issued ISO certificates to the IAF public register – IAF Certsearch.  The deadline for the implementation of these new requirements is set as October 2024.

INCERT has been reporting all certificates issued and their status real time since the start of the registyr and this is a guarantee that the certificates are all known and controlled by the accreditation service and issued in compliance with applicable regulations.

IAF Certsearch can be the sigle and reliable point of contact for the verification of any ISO certificate issued around the world. The register when fully operational will be a valuable tool agaist fraud and counterfeiting and for the support of fair competition.

Request for Certification

We are always available to complete the certification request with you. It is completely free to review and within just a few hours of receiving the request, you will have a certification quotation designed specifically for you and your organization.

The application form does not commit you to working with us but it is a prerequisite for a certification offer.

INCERT- certification
for success!