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ISO 45001, 2018, Incert

ISO 45001:2018

The standard replaced the popular OHSAS 18001 standard, contains the occupational health and safety management systems requirements. This area of governance of an organisation is highly regulated. Through OHSMS, organizations can more efficiently manage the assessment of risks to OHS and compliance with regulatory requirements. Furthermore, in an environment of increasingly fierce competition for quality workers, the certification to ISO 45001 is a sign of a responsible attitude towards labour safety and care for workers.

Request for Certification

We are always available to complete the certification request with you. It is completely free to review and within just a few hours of receiving the request, you will have a certification quotation designed specifically for you and your organization.

The application form does not commit you to working with us but it is a prerequisite for a certification offer.

INCERT- certification
for success!